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In the world of serial entrepreneurs, incubators, and venture capitalists everyone is looking for a competitive advantage to put their company on the “bleeding edge.” To achieve this, we propose that startups closely inspect an aspect of their company that is too often overlooked: the phone system. A hosted phone system, or hosted PBX (HPBX) is the perfect startup phone system for a litany of reasons.

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What are the most important factors when it comes to choosing a new facility for your new or growing business? The most obvious answer is probably location, layout, square footage and mortgage/purchase price. Some would argue that having the correct logistics in place along with proper fixtures are principal concerns. You might also suggest that tax considerations can’t be ignored and we wouldn’t disagree. However, if you’re not considering how VoIP works and the cost of your company’s telecommunications needs, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise. 

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