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How many times have we seen or heard the plights of disaster victims in the national media? Why doesn’t this give us pause to plot our disaster recovery plan rather than convincing ourselves it couldn’t happen to us? Well, this week the residents of Northeast Ohio had to look no further than our own backyard to see the effects of a telecommunications disaster (see the map of affected areas highlighted in yellow).

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If the extent of your office telecommunications knowledge revolves around: a.) picking up your office telephone when it rings or, b.) picking up your phone, dialing a number (maybe an extension), hearing the ring and waiting for someone to pick up —you’re not alone but you might be missing out on a HUGE opportunity to move your business forward. Too many people hold to the beliefs “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” and “it’s worked this long: why would I change it?”. We don’t believe in those philosophies at N2Net. We’re not satisfied with the status quo, so, we’re perfecting telecommunications solutions for the future. In that interest, we’re here to answer the questions: ‘What is VoIP?’ and ‘How does VoIP work?’ 

What if I told you reading a few paragraphs and learning one key aspect of your phone system or PBX (private branch exchange) could save you money and make your business more efficient? It’s not too good to be true. 

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Disasters occur everyday. One of the most impactful and memorable natural disasters was Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Hitting the east coast with a brute force spanning 1,100 miles and affecting 24 states and thousands of businesses, Hurricane Sandy destroyed company structures, inventories,  and paper records. Plus, there was something else lost that not many companies considered: voice and data information.

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