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Video Conferencing Made Easy Are your Unified Communications truly unified? Video Conferencing is awesome, and any doubts that existed regarding its usefulness have been extinguished. I am not aware of a single company who is not using Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams in some capacity. I prefer solutions that are simple to use and easy to implement. I have a litmus test I apply to determine...

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Is your Unified Communications missing an ingredient? If you are into cooking, then you know how frustrating it can be when you are missing an ingredient. Successful cooking involves the ability to combine ingredients to make a delicious dish. The secret to any cooking is using the right amount when following your recipes. Some recipes are more forgiving than others. A stew is relatively easier to prepare...

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Take Action! Don’t let the fear of a Cyber Attack Overwhelm You! Fear is a great motivator. We are all wired with the fight or flight response to danger. When faced with oncoming danger we are designed to act before our brains register what is going on. Fear can also lead to inaction. Failing to respond when faced with a threat can lead to a painful or tragic...

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The Problem with Passwords  If you’ve ever locked your keys in your car, you know the feeling of fear and frustration that comes rushing on you. If you you’re like me you walk around the car, kick the tires, and try and figure out how to get your keys.   Once you determine that you are not able to get them yourself, you reluctantly call a locksmith. As...

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