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A day that will live in infamy. “January 21st” (2019) he said. “ I couldn’t believe it! I come in from a great weekend spent watching playoff football, get in the office at 8am, and ALL of my sites (3 plants in Lorain County, Ohio and one in North Carolina) are locked down with RANSOMWARE!!” This is a real conversation with one of our longtime customers, Fortunately...

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Has employees working from home, increased your data security risk? In the panic to create an out of office, or work from home environment, we found many employers resorted to allowing employees to use their personal devices. This scenario means corporate data now resides on devices that lack an equivalent level of security as their corporate counterparts. IT Departments, and managers can be certain that these...

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As employees and businesses settle into their work from home reality, it is becoming apparent that existing policies and procedures were geared toward the main office. The long-standing attitude has been that these policies extended to the remote worker, since remote work was often one or two days a week. Remote employees are now the norm, not the exception. It would be easy to become complacent and...

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Covid-19 forced many companies into a hastily cobbled together work from home environment. Can you relate to this? In order to avoid the network slowdown, your employees get up early, connect to the company VPN, the connection is responsive, so they dig into their work. An hour or so goes by, and they notice that files are taking longer to open, they begin to experience web pages taking longer...

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