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Ransomware attacks are more serious than the headlines would have you believe. For some, you’ve only read about ransomware attacks on the news. The headlines are alarming and raise the proper amount of concern. City of Baltimore, Target, Home Depot, Equifax, the list of organizations who have experienced a cyber-attack is long.Many organizations fail to take their security seriously. It is only after an attack, after...

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2020 has been nothing short of unpredictable. For the first time in recent history, people’s New Years' resolutions were halted due to the Covid-19 shutdown. At least for people who hadn’t given up a week into the year.One thing we can all take away from the past 6 months is that what we were accustomed to in the past may not carry into the future....

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A recent report published by cyber security firm Tessian, found that 52% of employees feel they can get away with riskier behavior while working from home. The study has some revealing trends that are a true indicator of the state of security with work from home employees. For example, the study highlights that work from home employees are willing to share confidential documents via email....

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According to a recent study, more than half of work from home employees are putting their organizations at risks for a cybersecurity attack by being lax about security protocols.  With an increase of almost a third of the country working from home due to covid-19, the amount of risk for organizations to suffer an online attack is growing exponentially.  Analysis by researchers at a large cybersecurity company...

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