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Your name, address, and information live as much on the internet as they do in a physical sense. If you perform any of the following online activities, you can be sure your information is out there: Email, Social Media, Online Shopping, Games, News, Forums. Many major platforms such as Linked In have suffered data breaches. At the very least your name, email address and password...

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Today we are going to delve into a topic that’s on everybody’s mind. Maybe you’re afraid to ask, because you won’t like the answer. Or perhaps you feel like you’re protected so why tip over the apple cart? Since we sometimes like stirring up the hornet’s nest, we are going to examine how secure your remote workers really are. Are your employees protected from the latest...

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We’ve all been there. You get a new phone, and in your excitement, you overlook moving all your contacts and your data. Most of the time you don’t realize this until you’ve already sent in your phone. If you use a third-party application to back up your data you may be able to get it back, but if not, your data is just gone....

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