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Make Time - Not Excuses! “If you don’t have time to do it right when will you have time to do it over”? This quote is attributed to John Wooden legendary NCAA basketball coach. He taught his players that success extends well beyond the scoreboard. Here is another helpful John Wooden quote, “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” Let’s face it,...

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Don’t put yourself at risk   A recent security survey revealed that an alarming 41% of businesses have made cuts to their security budget. In that same survey 51% of participants admitted to noticing a drastic increase in phishing attempts. IT and Cyber Security are not a wise place to make cuts right now. It is often difficult for management to  weigh the benefits vs. the risks. IT...

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What is at the top of your list? It may be difficult to remember life before Covid-19. It hasn’t been that long, six to eight weeks and already there is a struggle to recall the memories of normal life. All of us are creating a list of the things are going to do when businesses can open. Some of these items are things we didn’t care about...

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What is at the top of your list?It may be difficult to remember life before Covid-19. It hasn’t been that long, six to eight weeks and already there is a struggle to recall the memories of normal life.All of us are creating a list of the things are going to do when businesses can open. Some of these items are things we didn’t care about...

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