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Need a break from the office, but you’re buried under work? Or are you one of those execs who are always on the go, on the move, and away from a landline and a desk? With Business Anywhere, you can get up and get out. Hit up your favorite coffee shop and stake out a table. Be able to set up shop and work while still receiving calls from your desk phone, straight to your cell phone and working on your laptop as if you were sitting right at your desk.

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AreYouReady.jpgTelecommunications Disaster Recovery Plans allow your business to remain open even when the doors are shut due to an unforeseen disaster or event. If you operate a business in Ohio, you may be susceptible to snow or flooding, so it’s important to plan for what you will do if your building, plant or store is not accessible.

This type of planning is often referred to as a continuity of operations plans, or COOP, and includes all facets of your business. Understanding the risks your company faces is important in assessing if disaster recovery is right for you. Read on to learn about the 5 reasons why you should have Disaster Recovery Services for your business.

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