90% Of Work From Home Employees Are Confident About Their Employers Security Protocols, But Should They Be?
In a June 2020 research study, IBM found that while the majority of employees said they were confident in their company’s ability to keep information secure, many haven’t been trained on work from home policies.
IBM surveyed over 2,000 US based remote workers and found that out of 93% who were confident, 53% were using their personal laptops to work while 45% have received no additional training.

With the rush to remote work as a result of Covid 19, companies are finding themselves scrambling to handle the exponential influx of remote workers.
With many workers relying heavily on the use of their mobile phones, more than half are not aware or unsure of any company security policies around mobile device management.
While it may seem unnecessary, or even too costly, the risk of not revising security policies and retraining employees on how to enact them can be a huge burden of your company’s time and money down the line.
Are you prepared in the event of a cyber attack? Download a copy of our free guidebook, 5 Risks To Plan For with Work from Home Employees to make sure you’re on the right track to adapting to the new normal of remote work.