Take Your Business Beyond the Desk with These 4 Features
Need a break from the office, but you’re buried under work? Or are you one of those execs who are always on the go, on the move, and away from a landline and a desk? With Business Anywhere, you can get up and get out. Hit up your favorite coffee shop and stake out a table. Be able to set up shop and work while still receiving calls from your desk phone, straight to your cell phone and working on your laptop as if you were sitting right at your desk.
The key to a successful mobile office is how you configure your business phone and Internet service. Without a quality connection it is impossible to have these next four features vital to business on the go.
1. Find-Me/Follow-Me
This allows customers to call your work phone and have it transfer to your cellphone without interruption. Customers won’t know, and they don’t really need to know where you are! They only care that you’re accessible and able to take their calls. It also lets you make calls from your cellphone that ring through as if you were calling from your desk phone number.
2. Cloud Storage
A prominent tool for the mobile professional is have easy to access cloud storage. This cost effective way of accessing client files and team documents is essential for your on-the-go needs. Cloud storage also helps with time management; instead of worrying about managing your equiptment you can put more time and effort into managing your business – from whereever you happen to be.
3. VPN
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) makes it easy to access client files on public Internet connections such as coffee shops, or book stores, without the fear of a security breach. This secure connection lets you work with ease and confidence when you’re away from the office.
4. Voicemail Transcription
My personal favorite feature for working on the go is Voicemail Transcription. Any voicemail left on your office phone gets transcribed, put into a document and sent to your email so you are able to return calls with accurate and concrete information for your records.
These features as well as other business internet features that aid you with mobility are available through N2Net as well as in our Business Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Staying Connected on the Go. To get the free guide, click below.