Should Businesses be Using Wireless Internet Access?
In our guide, “Data Failover and Redundancy,” we talk about how businesses can leverage wireless access solutions in a backup, or failover capacity. We’re often asked, however, if businesses should be looking at wireless internet access options as their primary link.
As is the case with most services, there are positives and negatives to every option. Below, we’ll cover some of the major points to consider when looking at a wireless internet option for your company.
Why Consider Wireless Internet Access?
Without a doubt, wired internet connections represent the lion’s share of access points in today’s corporate space. The ubiquity of copper and fiber transport lines makes it easy for tenants in a building to simply choose a local provider, the plan and speeds they desire, and poof, they’re online.
So why would a business of any size choose to even consider wireless internet access as their go-to choice when a wired solution is easier?
- Geography – Believe it or not, there are still rural areas of the country which fall outside the footprint of telco and cable providers. In cases like these, the build-out cost to run fiber lines and equipment to these remote locations keep wired solutions far out of reach.
In situations like these, satellite internet access solutions are typically the preferred access method as satellites aren’t geographically bound. While these businesses certainly won’t have the speed and reliability of a wired solution, they’ll still be able to get online. - In a Pre-Lit Building – Sometimes a business will find themselves in a location which already has wireless radios or antennas serving other clients in that building or area. In cases such as these, the company will have an alternative option to a wired connection.
Pros and Cons of Wireless Internet Access
The main benefit of a wireless business internet access connection is the non-reliance on a physical cable for data transport. While it’s not a regular occurrence, cables can snap, shred, wear, and be dug up by construction equipment. Wireless internet eliminates this risk.
The downsides to wireless access likely outweigh the benefit, though. Wireless connections still rely on physical antennas and radios to transmit and receive data. This equipment can go bad just like any other piece of equipment. Additionally, signal and service quality can be affected by weather.
Lastly, the speeds available will be dependent on the radio or antenna as well as the connected network. If yours is a point-to-point connection with 3MB capacity and you outgrow it, you’ll be investing in higher-end, more expensive antennas which can support higher speeds.
While wireless internet access may be a good (or only) option for some companies, we still recommend utilizing both a wired and wireless internet access link rather than relying on the wireless link as the primary. As always, each scenario should be evaluated individually as needs, budget, and use cases vary from company to company.
Partner with Voice and Data Experts
If your business is looking at options for business internet and data, contact an internet expert at N2Net today. They’ll be able to craft a solution which economizes and leverages current wireless internet technology.