How Do Your Carriers Make You Feel?
If you’re currently working with a Business Class Broadband carrier, how do you feel about your service? Do you feel heard, understood, and appreciated? Or do you feel like maybe you get a little lost in the shuffle. Unfortunately, we often hear that the latter is the case. Here are a few statements we’ve heard from MSPs about their carriers.
“They’ve Been Out Twice to Fix the Install, But the Problem Persists”
When the service agent came out to your site to install your business class broadband, did they do it right? Did you immediately get the full data speeds you were promised when you signed your service agreement? Did you get all of the right equipment and was the install quick, easy, and painless?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you’re likely already fed up with the level of service you’ve received from your carrier. And as a busy MSP, you don’t really have any spare time to dedicate to sitting on the phone with a tech support agent.
“This Tech Support Agent is Totally Lost in Support Prompts”
If only you could reach through the telephone line you’re stuck on and assist the call center agent you’re speaking to—then maybe you’d get an answer to your connection issues. Maybe if you could just speak with the manager who has actual knowledge of the technical issues you’re experiencing, you could get a real timeline on receiving the proper equipment that you already paid for.
If you’ve experienced the torture that is a call center tech support agent, you are likely reasonably frustrated with the amount of time wasted on the phone. And if your problem wasn’t resolved in a few minutes, you’ll likely have to call back to speak to someone else about the same issue.
“I’m on Hold Again…While They Find Someone Else to Help Me”
The first person couldn’t tell you why your data speeds are so low, so they’re getting you connected with someone who might be better equipped to help you. Great! While holding, you’ve reorganized your desk three times, are now listening to bad pop music on speaker so you can respond to emails while you wait, and have gotten dizzy from spinning aimlessly in your chair.
While you’re on hold, you might consider doing a little research on “Dedicated Internet Access.” This kind of service is perfect for MSPs because it provides you with high speed data that’s reliable and a direct connection between your business and your carrier.
That means that if there’s an issue, a tech support agent will literally get up and check the hard connection to see what the problem is. And if they can’t figure it out there, a highly skilled tech support agent will come out to your site to figure out what’s going on in person.
“I’ve Had Enough. I want to Learn More About DIA”
If you’re fed up with your business class broadband, consider switching to a Dedicated Internet Access connection with N2Net. Synchronous data speed is available in a range of 1.544 mbps to 100 mbps, and it’s guaranteed in your service level agreement. So there’s no more dealing with a bad install, long waiting times to speak to a low-level service tech, or paying for data speeds you’re not getting.
Sound great? Contact the team at N2Net to learn more now.