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Looking forward to May Flowers

Looking forward to May Flowers

Looking forward to May Flowers


I recall as a child hearing “April Showers bring May Flowers” Here in Northeast Ohio we have had our fair share of April Showers. We will see how many May flowers we end up with. Cleveland weather has been known to go full speed ahead – from rain and 45 degrees then hit the 90’s without any warning.

In looking forward to May and its flowers, we can also look ahead to the reemergence of the United States economy. Each state is making plans that are in line with the number of Covid-19 cases they experienced. Ohio is starting slowly, and soon I’m going to enjoy a steak at my favorite restaurant!

Sure, taking my food home is fine. But there is something about sitting down, listening to the conversations, mixed with the clanging. The best part? No, not desert, but not having to do the dishes.

The good news is that businesses are going to open. Customers are going to buy, and businesses are going to ramp up again. Commerce, the lifeblood of our economy, is going to rebound.

We are all looking forward to scheduling an appointment with our barber or beautician. Our muscles are eager to back to the gym again. The lucky among us still working are ready to get out of our pajamas.

Get ready, to stop and smell the May flowers. They are coming. The economy is getting ready to go back to work. Smile as you take your business attire from your closet. Charge into your morning commute and let’s get back to that water cooler.